"Massage is not just a luxury. It's a way to a healthier, happier life."
Deep Tissue Massage, or Remedial Massage, as it is sometimes referred to, involves the application of deep pressure to release chronic muscle tension. The focus is upon the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia. It is used for a number of conditions including chronic aches and pains, stiff neck, lower back pain, and tightness in the legs or shoulders. The techniques are similar to those used in massage therapy, but movement is slower, and the pressure is deeper. A particular area of tension and/or pain is concentrated on, in order to reach the sub-layers of muscles and fascia (sheet of connective tissue). ‘Adhesions’ form when there is chronic muscle tension or injury. They are painful, tight bands of tissue and can affect muscles, tendons and ligaments. They can cause a restriction of the circulation to the affected area, cause pain and restricted movement.

Deep Tissue and Sport Massage
Our clinic uses a multidisciplinary approach utilising all therapy classes for best patient outcomes.
Book Online Have a question? Click here to contact usWhat is deep tissue massage?
Deep Tissue Massage works upon every layer, through the connective tissue and muscles down to the deepest accessible layers. The aim is to change posture and increase movement by releasing fascial adhesions and chronic muscle tightening. Massage encourages the circulation of blood and lymph, and lengthens and relaxes the superficial muscles. It can also stimulate the action of peristalsis in the intestine. Micro-tears are created in the fascia which fill with elastin and collagen, giving more flexibility to the muscles. Stretching is important after a session, in order to retrain muscles and prevent a reoccurrence.

What is sports massage?
There are many benefits to be gained from a programme of sports massage. If you exercise or train regularly, your muscles can tighten. A therapist can massage the muscle fibres to ensure they do not stick to each other or the bones. As you train, muscles build up and can become hard. This makes it difficult for blood and nutrients to get in. Massage encourages the circulation, and enables the nutrients to enter the muscles. This process would also encourage healing and repair when an injury is present. Massage has a relaxing effect which will help to reduce any stress or anxiety being felt, and lighten the mood.

What will my first treatments consist of?
Deep Tissue Massage works upon every layer, through the connective tissue and muscles down to the deepest accessible layers. The aim is to change posture and increase movement by releasing fascial adhesions and chronic muscle tightening. Massage encourages the circulation of blood and lymph, and lengthens and relaxes the superficial muscles. It can also stimulate the action of peristalsis in the intestine. Stretching is important after a session, in order to retrain muscles and prevent a re-occurrence.

How long will it take to recover?
You will choose the pressure with your clinician between light and heavy. If you choose heavy massage you may feel tired for the next few days and experience some discolouration but this will not last long. Often people feel great the next day and laot more energised.

Is it affordable?
Yes massage is very affordable. You will definitely feel the benefit next week. Contact us to see how we can help you into the care you need to get back to moving in an optimal way.

When you need us, we’re here. Contact us for more information.
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